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Global Outpouring After 9/11

Poignant Emails Honoring the FDNY’s
Courageous Acts and Sacrifices


In the aftermath of the devastating attacks on the World Trade Center, heartfelt messages poured in from every corner of the world. These emails paid tribute to the unwavering bravery and selflessness displayed by the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) as its members rushed into the burning towers, risking their lives to save others. The raw emotion and profound gratitude captured in these words serve as a stark reminder of the FDNY’s heroic response on that fateful day – a response that embodied the resilience of the American spirit and inspired hope amidst the rubble. The sacrifices made by the FDNY’s finest will forever be etched into history, their actions a guiding light that helped heal a nation in its darkest hour.

I can’t belive what happend in NY. It’s unbelivebele. I cant find word’s. I will spend some money for the Fire Fighters Familys.

Klaus Werner
Freiwillige Feuerwehr Eching
(Fire Department Eching / Bavaria, Germany)

Ich möchte mit diesem Mail meine Trauer und mein Mitgefühl gegenüber der Bevölkerung
von N.Y.City,den Kameraden vom F.D.N.Y und mein tiefstes Beileid aussprechen. Wir sind doch alles Feuerwehrkameraden, ob beruflich oder miliz, mit
Gallethelm oder Ledernem New Yorker, wir alle haben den Auftrag:Leben schützen und retten.

Wir sind in Gedanken bei Euch.

God bless America and all Firefighter on the World

Christian Sägesser
Gruppenführer Freiwillige Feuerwehr Birsfelden
Obmann Fasnachtsgruppe “Füür-Waggis”Birsfelden

Ich kann es nicht fassen, was hier in NY geschehen ist. Ich habe alles Live auf CNN verfolgt. Mir fehlen die Worte.

We visited your beautiful city only 3 months ago, our hearts go out to the families of the brave men of FDNY who dedicated their lives to saving others. We look forward to visiting you again, when your city is bigger and stronger than ever.

The bravery of those who went up the WTC not knowing it was their last moments here on earth is something I respect in the highest regard. Those who were lost are in a far better place than this….Their lives will NEVER be forgotten!

Our thoughts are with you. We couldn’t hardly believe what has happened. Only feelings of disbelief, anger and unconsciousness remain. Our good wishes go out to you. In spite of it all I say “Keep it up”. We all are with you. God bless those who passed away and their relatives and all of you. The victims of the policemen aswell. We’re with you.

Frank Lambertz, THW (Desaster-Unit), Düsseldorf (Germany)

In these days of teariness I can´t find the wright words to express my feelings.
In thought I´m with my brothers and sister, who have been killed during doing their job to save lives. I´m in thought with their families and of course with all other victims of this terrible attack.

God bless you all!

Tanja Rossnagel
Volunteer Firedepartment Schönau / Germany

Dear members of the NYFD,

our prayers and thoughts are with you and all the innocent people who past in this horrific act of terrorism.
God bless all of you in the next time.
The best wishes for the next days

“The members of” Rettungsdienst (Resque service)Dithmarschen; Germany; Schleswig-Holstein
Jan Osnabrügge, Leiter Rettungsdienst (Administrator)

Our thoughts and sympathies goes out to all members
of the FDNY and family.
Räddningstjänsten i Boden Sweden.

our thoughts with you and your families

lancashire fire and rescue

12 Sept 01

Yesterday morning my dad woke me up. He said that America was attacked and that the World trade Center was destroyed. Still in a sleeping state I said okay.
what he said finally made it into my subconcious mind. I was wide awake now.
I turned on the T.V., The first images I seen were that of a far off shot of Manhattan
the smoke climbing into the sky and the city could be seen thru the hazy smoke.
I was stunned as I watched, Then the next images were that of the attack on the Trade Center, That really shocked me. I am still trying to digest it, understand it.
I still dont know how to express what I am feeling inside, Yet the first images I have seen have prompted me to write this poem. It cannot come close to what I am feeling inside. This is one way I try to deal with the things that upset and get me down. I just wanted to share it with you. I also want to thank you all for chosing the profesion you have chosen, risking your lives day in and day out to save lives.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Grey smoke darkens blue sky
Concrete buildings struggling
to keep upright, faintly seen
resembling tombstones
within a misty graveyard

Silence rolls across the land
of shock and unbelief
As a country watches on
The grief and anger builds
Sweeping across the world
as rolling thunder

Thru this She still stands
Vigilant, Day and Night
Still a symbol, For all to see
of Freedom and Liberty

John Cunningham
Honolulu, Hawaii

We thought we had problems in this country, they all seem so minor, my heart goes out to everyone involved, This tragedy should never have happened.

My heart goes out to all the families of the NYC fire department, in this most tragic of times.

My father was an english firefigter for 12 years, and I and my family always blessed the moment that he returned from any accident that he and his fellow firefighters were called upon. Praying that we never got the call that he would not be returning from doing his duty.

So my heart goes out to all those families who’s brave fathers and sons, will never be coming home.

The last night was the second night after beginning of terror. I waked up this morning and hoped to be back from this horrible dream. I hoped of beeing back in reality, because this terror could not be real! I turned on the t.v. and was shocked again. It is real. And it is unbelievable. As a volunteer firefighter I thought of having seen bad and horrible scenes in action…but what you and your brothers from FDNY saw these days…there are no words that can describe it. I hope you will find more living people in the ruins of World-Trade-Center without losing more brothers of you!!! Too many people died!!! Too many firefighters and policemen died!!!
God bless the people, who died in New York,Washington and Pitsburgh! God bless their families! God bless all firefighters and other helping people! God bless America!

Thomas Ernhardt, Germany

I’m lieutenant in the fire and rescue department in Meurthe-et-Moselle (Nancy – France). With my fellows, we pray for your loss firefighters, family and america. No words, no speech are enough strong to describe horror.
Saturday, we will pray with our young firefighters.
God bless

Words cannot express my feelings of knowing 300+ brothers and sisters are lost.

It all seems to sureal. We feel helpless being so far away.

To those of us watching, please visit your local blood clinic.

God Bless, brothers and sisters….

D. Ferris
VFRS Iaff Local 18

I feel the pain of the loss of so many lives.
My thoughts are with the FDNY fire fighters who lost their lives at WTC.

My deepest sympathies on the loss
of your firefighters. Words cannot
express the shock and horror we all
feel at this time. Please know that
we are all grieving with you.

Bless you for helping.

Our thoughts and sympathies goes out to all members of the FDNY, their family, and friends.

Words simply cannot express our sorrows and grief for the tremendous lost of lives.

Many of New York’s bravest and finest has joined our Lord in heaven and will forever be missed.

We all joined this line of work knowing that each day we may never return home from work. And sadly, too many has made the ultimate sacrifice.

We will keep each and every one of you in our prayers.

May you find strength during this tragedy and let us not forget why these men and women died.

God Bless,

Rapid Response Unit Coordinator
MED STAR CANADA LTD. – Medical Services Division
Calgary, Alberta. Canada

I am a firefighter in California. My prayers are with all the men and woman firefighters who were lost and are actively searching for their own.
This is a true nightmare and unfortionately we cant turn back time but we can look to God for comfort, peace, and the what the future holds for us all.
They are all true heros! the ones searching, the ones who were lost. My heart goes out to everyone, the ones who never give up, the ones who work 24hrs
a day, the ones who wont give up until all their own are found. Firefighters are special people and these FDNY firefighters have proven to be true heros.
I wish you all the best and we are all praying from California!


To our fellow Fire Fighters,

It is very hard to know what words may give you comfort at this incredibly testing time.
We too were on duty when news of the tragedy started to filter through to us. As we sat and watched the news unfold on the television, we were all absolutely horrified.
Even in those early stages we feared that some of our American colleagues may have perished, but we could not prepare ourselves for the later news updates that told us so many had now probably lost their lives.
This has saddened us immensely.
We hope that this message of support is just one of many and that it helps give you strength to get through this.

Our thoughts are with you.

Red Watch
Cambridge Fire Station

I do not find the words….
Just hang in there…
God bless you

I feel a deep sorrow for all the victims of the New York tragedy. But all New York firefighters deserve the highest credits for their work.

I grieve over all missed and dead colleagues. There are no heroes but those who spent their lives while rescueing fellow citizens. We will remember the unnamed fallen firefighters, paramedics and police officers as an honour to all of their kind worldwide!

The thoughts of our firedepartment are with you all time!

God bless you

Bless you angels. Each and every one of you. You have moved me forever. And you show me that love is stronger than death.

rocky may god be with you where ever you are

To the firefighters that so loved the people in the WTC towers, those they did not even know. You gave your life to show that though there is evil in the world, it will NEVER overcome love. We love you.

As member of a fire department I can just feel your pain. When ever that call comes, you the FDNY never fears the worst. This is why your are truley the BRAVEST that this world has ever seen. And to the FINEST, also those of you who went outside the call of duty, all of you are truley heros. Thank you and God Bless all of you!

I cannot begin to imagine the anguish of all the families, friends and colleagues waiting and hoping, nor the sorrow of those who have no more reason to hope. We are all so blessed to have in our midst people who are willing to give themselves, literally, in service to others, and people all around the world stare in awe and gratitude at the profundity of that gift. All our love goes to those left behind, as our deepest gratitude goes out to those who fought against death and destruction–both those who survived the battle and those who did not. Blaise Del Bianco, (or anyone who knows him), if you read this, please let me know that you are okay.

In memory of the fallen,
There is no more noble or humane an undertaking than the selfless sacrifice of one’s life for the life another.
To the family of Chief Peter Ganci as well as all of the other families of victims we offer our deepest sympathy.

God Bless You


God bless the hero firemen in ny who are true heroes in my eyes and in my kids eyes.My prayers go put to everyone of you out there for the invredible jobs you guys do thank you very much.I am proud to be a New yorker right now.

To my brothers and sisters of FDNY all of my prayers and thoughts have been with you and your famalies. Today and years to come in my mind hero is not spelt h-e-r-o but F-D-N-Y. God bless you all and God bless America on this somber day. Your brother. Roberto Minatel Toronto Fire Services. Toronto Ontario Canada.

To the men and women of FDNY! God Bless all and every one of you. You folks define courage and bravery – you are the absolute finest. As a volunteer firefighter here in upstate NY, my heart bleeds for you. My prayers and hopes are with you and your families.. You WILL triumph through this hell!

Please accept our sympathy on the tremendous loss to the Fire Dept of New York. We are a small department in Indiana, but do feel your pain, we all are brothers.GTBRIGHT@AOL.COM

My prayers go out to you. As a full time FF I only wish I could help more. Keep your heads held high in this trying moment and know that the entire nation feels your heavy hearts.

Keep up the good work.

God Bless each and everyone of you, were as mere mortals run away from terror and destruction, you run into it to save those who can not save themselves. My prayers are with each of your families that you return to serve another day. Those of you who have answered your final alarm, may your loved ones know you are all heroes.God Bless America! God Bless all of YOU!

If my brother goes down Lord let me be near
Won’t you let me have what the flames demand
Won’t you give him voice, O Lord, and let me be near
And give me reach Lord for his outstretched hand
Let me be ready Lord if it comes my turn
Won’t you let me be strong, let me not complain
Won’t you let me go in and with a child return
Take me young, O Lord, but not in vain

Our hearts are with you and as a former volunteer firefighter and one who has been raised in a firefighting family I can appreciate what you are going through to an extent. We have never gone through anything this bad though so it is hard to imagine it still. I know you have angels watching over you. Always remember you are human and have to take a moment to rest, you will do more good that way. Cry it out and talk to someone about your feelings too, don’t keep it bottled up. Don’t let them win that way. If you just want to talk afterwards about it or if there is anything I can do please don’t hesitate to contact me.

i am a firefighter in Glenwood, Ia. and my sympathy goes out for all the family’s of the brave firefighters who lost their lives trying to save others. i can understand they were doing what we all would do in that situation and i hope more will be found alive. our prayers and thoughts are with you all.

john morrison
Glenwood fire department

Words can’t discribe what I’m feeling after watching the job you all have been doing the last two days. After reading the message board I realize how much your sacrifice is loved and respected by myself and the rest of the world. You have given me another reason to be proud the be an American. You have created a wonderful example for others to follow. You should be very proud of the sacrifices that you have made. God bless you in your time of close and deep pain. Thank you for being heros. Love you all. D

As I watch the news today, my heart is broken..I see all these people running around..wondering why this happened, why here, why today. For those of you who have lost loved ones, my heart goes out to you along with my prayers. May God bless you and give you the strength to overcome this.
I will keep praying for you all, and again God bless you.

To my fellow brothers and sisters of trade and all of their families we are praying for you and grieving with you. There is a hurt in all firefighter’s hearts for the loss of those that payed the ultimate sacrifice to save others.

To the Greatest hero’s in the world, NY and all over. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and all the innocent people who past in this horrific act of terrorism. Stay strong as always firefighters.

My prayers are with all of those families who lost a dear one and to those courageous firefighters, rescuers, and all others who helped and were unfortunate tohave been killed I pray God to keep them by his side. God Bless All of You and GOD BLESS AMERICA.

God bless all New york firefighters and all others helping to find the missing, let the strength be with you all

sit here at work and I read these messages. I am truly touched be the outpouring of all the people visting this site as the respnoses grow by the minute.
We are all feeling a sense of emptiness as we continue our duties in the hope to see a member pulled from the rubble, and as I watch NBC interview one of your Paramedics I can see and feel the pain in this man’s face as he continues to search for his fallen comrades in the line of duty. “We are looking for patients, but are not finding any”.
As these events unfold there is an untold number of lives, that this tragic event has affected. Any lives lost is a tragedy, and when it becomes one of your own, it rips through your heart and soul.
I love all of you, you are my brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers that I am proud to work alongside as we continue to help those in need.
I am here and with you as you continue exhausted mentally and physically, and I cry for you as I know what it is like to lose a brother on duty.

Your Brother,
On Duty Paramedic

i was a firefighetr here in s.c. for many years. as i watch my brother firefighters in new york do their job i can only wish i could come and help.but unfortunatley i do not work as a fireman now.and my job wont pay me for time finacially i cant take off from work.but my spirit and prayers are with you brother also was a firefighter for 12 years.he broke down in tears when we got the news that many of our brothers have given the ultimate to the people.they will be in our prayers.

KENNY GIANELLI ARE YOU OK?? We are looking for information from anyone. Please call Kim or Scot at 908-996-6153 or 908-512-2828.

To Each and every one that has lost a love one you our in our hearts and preyers.This is a very sad time for every one. As i sit and watch the t.v. my heart goes out to the familys there. For my son is also fire fighter.And they are also very special people.Whom will put there lives on the line for others at all times……………….as i said preyers go out to each and every one of you…..a fire fighter’s mother

When people were getting out, the firefighters were going in. The NYFD are all heroes, and I pray for all those
lost, all those working, and their families. I think about the firefighters I always saw in the grocery store
at 6th and 12th, and pray you are all safe.
God bless you all.

As we do sit in a state of shock… I would like to ask one question to the state of Delaware and their volunteer firefighters… yes you sent people and ambulances to help… But why would you even consider to go ahead with your convention? YES why? Yes money was spent for the parade and all, so why not just do your business end of the convention and have no competition in the parade!! Only have one truck in line from each company draped in black for those fallen firefighters. I know what happens at your conventions first hand and it is not a time to party and celebrate which company can clean their trucks better and who can march prefect. To the Delaware Volunteer Firemen’s Asso. DON’T BE LIKE THIS, DO MORE AND HELP MORE THEN SPENDING MONEY ON FOOD, ALCOHOL, TROPHIES FOR THE BEST…THINK OF THOSE THAT HAVE FALLEN AND THEIR FAMILIES!!! I HOPE YOU CAN DO MORE AND SOON!! MY DEEPEST THOUGHTS ARE WITH THE FAMILIES OF EVERYONE THAT HAVE BEEN HIT BY THIS. AND TO THE FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS YOU ARE ALL HERO’S AND ANGELS…

Dear fellows fire fighhters
we wish to bring our condolece to all the family
of the brave fire fighter of New York who give their lives trying to save the live of other peoples. We where deeply shocket when we saw what happend yesterday.We will remember in prayer those who give their for their country
Franciscus Francees
Airport fire departement
Bonaire N.A.

Highest respekt for you, we think of you and your friends who died in line of duty

oaxaca de juarez oaxaca mexico 11 de septiembre de 2001
queridos amigos :
escribo estas lineas con el finde enviar mi mas sentidas condolencias a las familias de los compañeros bomberos caidos en el cumplimiento del deber en las torres gemelas.
manifiesto mi repudioa los actos de terror perpetrados, y rezo por todas las victimas de esta catastrofe.

espero el sacrificio de nuestros amigos nunca sea olvidado.

teniente e.m.t. luis ismael lamadrid ramos

“The Day”

Today when the firemen arrived,
little did they know some of them would die.
When the buildings began to collapse,
so did the lives of many innocent people.
As the dust and smoke cleared there were firemen
standing in lines,
they were trying to call famlies and wives.
But as for the firefighters who met the worst
ever fate,
they’re in heaven with God now looking down.
Now New York City has lost several of their
bravest of all ranks,
I only hope and pray that God was number one
in their beliefs.
My prayers are with the families and friends,
involved in the couple of hundred deaths.
Now in the next few days to come, search and
rescue efforts will begin,
While America hopes, and prays to find
survivors deep within.
So to my fellow brethen in the NYFD,
our hopes and prayers are with you in your time
of need.

Joshua Sorrell Firefighter Buies Creek
Buies Creek, North Carolina

I have the highest respect for you guys. My dad was a firefighter for 29yrs and I retired from the police dept last year after 26 yrs. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the families of those lost. Stick together and encourage one another.

Thank God for the firefighters. You all are heroes.
Even though I was not in the accident I am very gradeful for you
guys Thanks again

My prayers go out to all those lost. God Bless

I cannot begin to thank -you for your courage. I am in awe. There are not many people out there that could do what you do. You are extraordinary beings. Thank-you for being our guardian angels.

We would like to pass on to you all our heartfelt sympathy for your sad tragic losses yesterday. Our prayers are with the families and colleagues of those brave missing men.
Tony & Janet Dean.

The world will never forget. Just like back home… we would be lost without you guys. May God be with you. I know he is. Keep up the good work.

If I had to pick a word for what you guys did and are doing. Selfless. Thanks for helping those in need.

hey guys im 17 years old….god bless all of you..i have friends that have perished in the accident and i wish more of the world can be like you guys….thank you for the effort and the decency that you guys have put forth….THANK YOU and god bless

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the fallen NYFD, NYPD, and to all those lost in this horrific event. What more can one person say……………………………………….

No words can comfort the loss of so many at such a time. My prayers and a contribution is on the way. Having a brother who is a fireman i have learned what part of the job is about. But to show up after such terror and do so with such heroism and selflessness is amazing. God Bless the responders.

I am a uniformed firefighter in N.J. My heart and prayers go out to all my brothers and sisters there. I can only hope that more of our family will be found alive and the others hold on to
the hand of God for eternity.
God speed and be safe!

To my Brothers and Sisters of the FDNY and all its associated angencies, Our prayers are with you all. We watch and grieve with all of you as you continue your diligent duties as we all do as Paramedics, EMT’s, and Firefighters. Our hearts are with you.


Our deepest sympathy in your great loss. As a fellow fighter you have a special place in our hearts. God bless and keep all of the survivors of this great tragedy. No greater love hath no man or woman who shall lay down their lives for others.

To the members of FDNY
We have heard of the terrible and fatal act of terrorism in the USA and want to offer our condolences to the countless number of deaths and injured people, who include fireman und volunteers

We offer our sympathy for all family mebers and fireman

sent from the mebers of the Lenzerheide Firebrigade in Switzerland

May God Bless our Firefighters. You are all in our prayers.
We share your anguish and pain.

Edmund Murphy Ret FDNY
John Seiler Ret FDNY
Chris Murphy Past Commander

My sympathy to the families of the brave firefighters killed in the rescue operations. They’re civil servants (earning civil servants wages) that gave their all. They walked into a war zone to help save lives and lost their own.
I am donating cash to their families in appreciation. I wish I could do more.

Sacramento, CA

My condolences to my brothers of FDNY local 94. My heart goes out to the fallen brothers and thier families. My thoughts and prayers to all of you. I may live and work across this great nation, but this tragety has affected myself and department greatly. We are with you spiritualy.

Captain/Paramedic Mark W. Clark L3686

as a firefighters wife and mother i would like to send my deepest sympathies to the firefighters wives and families for thier loss and i would also like to send my gratitude and appreciation for a job well done in ny and washington dc for thier brave efforts in this tragedy.

We’re crying, mourning and praying! We will continue to pray for your safety and for God’s comfort for your loss and for the families of those who have died. We live in North Bend/Coos Bay, Oregon and our hearts are in your city.

Dear Wonderful Men and Women of New York,
I sit here glued to the TV watching you agonize the loss of your brothers and sisters as you frantically try to save the thousands you can not see. You struggle through the rubble, trying to breathe air that isn’t fit for your precious lungs. Your compassion is beautiful, your devotion is heartwrenching. I feel your pain, I feel your love. Thank you so much for being there. I am a disabled woman from upstate NY who uses the computer to keep my sanity. I have a computer friend who is a NY firefighter, either in Queens or the Bronx. All I know is his name is Kevin D. I have been trying to reach him to no avail. He is in his late 20’s early 30’s, single and went to state university at Albany a few years ago. If anyone knows his whereabouts please let me know he is ok and I will be patient and wait for his email.Thank you and God bless You All. Much Love & Prayers. toni
ps My brother in law is there with you also. He is in the National Guard working in Triage. You are all such very special people. xoxoxoxox

Our hearts and thoughts are with you all.

God Bless

Kev & Sheila Gilder
(Two members of the public, Kettering, England

I just want to Thank everyone there who is helping so much, alot of people take the firefighters for granted , they never know when something like this will come up and they will need them. God Bless each of you.

Best wishes to all people helping at wtc and Washington,DC. May God bless you.
We are deeply sorry about your lost of life.

I am a french fireman in THIONVILLE (FRANCE).
Dans des circonstances pareilles , je tiens à vous présenter à tous et aux familles des victimes mes plus sincères condoléances. La grande famille des sapeurs-pompiers ne peux qu’être avec vous . Ce drame à l’echelle mondiale à été ressenti chez nous comme un grand malheur . Ces attentats sont l’oeuvre de choses que l’on ne peux pas appeler des hommes ! Ce ne sont que des êtres immondes chez qui le mot “VIE” ne veux rien dire ! Je suis loin de vous ,mais je peux vous garantir que je pense à vous et que je ressens une grande injustice !
Que Dieu vous bénisse ,vous donne du courage et prenne auprès de lui vos chers disparus !

Adjudant chef Laurent SBAFFI

Our thoughts and prayers are with our colleagues in both New York and Washington. Your families sadness must be great but so must their pride.
God Bless our friends in America

All the brothers and sisters of Cincinnati send our deepest regrets for the HORRIFIC incident thats has occured. Best of wishes and prayers go out to all firefighters and medical personel involved.


God has and will help us through this all .I f we all hope and pray for good reasonings and negotiations . I know we all have suffered a great loss , but we all are part of the best most loving country in the world . God Bless You All

Our hearts felt feeling of the pride of those brave firemen going up into that Hell above them.God Bless them and this country.


ur hearts and prayers are with you, our brothers.
We are here for you if you need us. Danbury, CT Firefighters, Local 801.

Our hearts and prayers are with the fire fighters and paramedics of New York.
God bless you!
a german fire fighter

I’m a captain with the St. Paul, MN, Fire Dept. and my heart goes out to all the members of FDNY and their families in the wake of this unspeakably barbaric act. God bless you all.

As a wildland firefighter and public servant of this great land I just wanted you to know that myself and my staff share with you our deepest grief over this tragedy. As firefighters we are all one family. What hits me the most is how many of “the Finest” continued to climb those stairs knowing in their hearts it was a one way trip…yet they continued to climb to protect and serve. God be with them now.

Everglades National Park, Fire & Aviation Management


My father was a fireman
He drove a big red truck and when he’d go to work each day he’d say,” Mother wish me luck.”

Then Dad would not come home again ’till sometime the next day.

But the thing that bothered me the most was the thing’s some folks would say,

“A firemen’s life is easy, he eats and sleeps and plays for days and days.”

When I first heard these words I was too young to understand but I knew when people had trouble Dad was there to lend a hand.

Then my father went to work one day and kissed us all goodbye, but little did we realize that night we all would cry.

My father lost his life that night when the floor gave way below and I’d wondered why he’d risk his life for someone he did not know.

But now I truly realize, the greatest gift a man can give , is to lay his life upon the line, so that someone else might live.

So as we go from day to day and we pray to God above, say a prayer for your local fireman.

He may save the one’s you love..

Author Unknown

This seems fitting at this time.
Kevin Pezzano

Best wishes and my prayers for all fire fighters and all the other people helping at the ruins of WTC.

Our prayers go out to all the families of those lost in such a terrible tragedy as well as those lost in the past (after reading the current issue). After something like this it’s easy to forget those that lost thier lives in other fires and rescues.

Blood will be given as well as a contribution by us at RSP Design Studio…

My deepest sympathy to the brave men and women of the new york fire department who gave there lives while trying to help others on this dreadfull day, my heart goes out to there families.
God bless you all.

I belong to a group of fiber artists called “As The Spirit Moves Us” in Austin, Texas and we are saddened at the losses of the the lives of firefighters because of this terrible act. We will be sending a check in our name to help the families of the victims. Our prayers are with you. Thank you for your dedication to service. God be with you all.

one of you pushed me away from tower 1 and then two of you ran back inside, then the whole thing came straight down. I dont even know what to say except god bless you and my prayers are with you

Da ich nicht gut Englisch kann schreibe ich einfach in Deutsch in der Hoffnug das ihr es lesen könnt ich möchte mein Beleit euern Kamaraden und Kamardinen die bei den Anschlägen uns Leben gekommen sind aussprechen und kann es immer noch nicht fassen was geschehen ist

Stephan Wurth

Our hearts and prayers are with you. You are truely the bravest of the brave.

On behalf of the IAFF Local 1619 Muscular Dystrophy Softball Tournament Committee we extend our prayers and deepest reguards to the men and women of the New York City Fire Department. If we can be of assistance please let us know.

God Bless each and all.

When I saw this,yesterday,I thought:”This can’t be true !!!! But it was …………………

Why,why,why………that was and is the only word I could/can say.

God bles them all !

Brothers and Sisters of the New York Fire Department:I will condole YOU ALL with this tragic casuality !

Herbert Kuipers
Fire Department Oldenzaal
The Netherlands

God bless each and every one of you who places their lives on the line once that bell rings. The loss you must feel is incredible. Thanks to Firefighters Quarterly for providing the information for funds to be sent to the spouses and children of the bravest who did not balk at the scene of mass destruction, but donned helmets and committed their very existence to help those inside.

God bless and keep those of you still there fighting, you’re all a special breed.

We are firefighters from Alloa in Scotland,UK.We were on duty on the day that this horrific event occured.We watched in disbelief and horror as the news was shown on TV.Our thoughts are with you,and your families at this tragic and difficult time.May God Almighty be with you.

To all FDNY firefighters and their familys,
I am a paid firefighter from Ulm / Germany. Since yesterday we see the whole day the terrible pictures on TV. We are all shocked and i am very, very sorry about what has happend in Manhatten. We can´t belive this and our prays are with you.
Many greetings from Germany
God bless AMERICA!!

I am a Los Angeles County Firefighter and I cannot begin to express the sorrow that I have for your department, your families, your fellow firefighters and most of all to those who heroically lost their lives. I will be sending a contribution to your organization. Please let us know what else we can do to assist you and your families in these times of terror.
Mike Mungovan

…whole Germany is shocked about whar happened!

Good bless the firefighters who`re still fighting for lives in that what was once the “WTC” or the “Pentagon”

a firefighter from Germany

As i sit here in total shock of yesterdays events of 300 firemen missing for some to receve the phone calls with such horor to find i love one lost there life in the line of the Downing family i sent my greatest sarrow…To FDNY you guys are doing a hell of a good job im proud to be a “New Yorker”
Exp #18 Spencerprt Ny

We stand together, they were our brothers too and we have lost a part of us. Go on, find and save all the survivors.
We are with you

Sergent Chartier
La Celle St cloud-Yvelines

I still can’t believe what has happened. It is the most tragic and unforgivable thing that could ever happen to our country. I want to thank all those fireman who gave their lives trying to save others’. Your courage and gestures were felt as far away as Wisconsin. You will never be forgotten and we will miss you all. My prayers are with the families of these brave men and women. You were lucky to have known and been so close to people of such bravery. May God bless this entire country and watch over all of us from here on out.
With deepest regards,
Milwaukee, WI

God Bless all of you. Neighbors & friends have not yet returned. Pray for their loved ones.

I’m following this tragedy from temporary camp at north Canada, where we landed with thousands of others who could’t fly to US yesterday. I can’t stop tears falling down when I’m thinking about our firefighter brothers and sisters and their families in NY. Our profession is a really special kind of -only the bravest and finest can do it. May my heart be with all NYFD staff and families. I wish you power to go on, there are still and will allways be, unlucky people whos lifes are in our hands. We have to carry on.

Toni Christian Fohlin
Helsinki City Fire Department

As a 9 year volenteer fireman in so jersey my heart and my prayers go out to the friends and familys of those fireman and policeman Who are missing and those who gave all in service to the people of New York City
In tears

To all the Brothers of the FDNY the Frefighters from North Providence RI. grieve with you.

To all our American friends:

I am a volunteer firefighter from Germany and I was shocked when I heared about the terrorist attack in NY. Especially when I heared that so many firefighters were killed as the World Trade Center collapsed.
They wanted to help and payed with their lives! That is not fair! There are so many bad people out there and these brave men and women had to die. Our thougths and prays are with you and the familiys of the firefighters who died.
We try to help as much as we can, even if we just spend a couple of dollars, but our thoughts are with you!
We pray for you and God bless America!

Many greetings from Germany
Thorsten Koester

I was in New York yesterday when it seemed as though the world was falling to pieces. Those of us who were not directly in range of the World Trade Center stood huddled around television sets and radios. From the beginning, New York firefighters were on the scene, doing whatever they could to save lives. The sound of sirens rang out throughout the city for hours; it was the call of New York’s bravest letting us all know that they were there not just for New York, but for all Americans. As long as I live, I will thank God for these men and women who are asked every day to put their lives on the line. I hope that in the days ahead, we all find their kind of courage within ourselves. God bless them all.

talk to me about yesterday at us i`m very sad


Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you know, we are with you heart and soul. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you as you work tirelessly to free the victims and may God bless our Brothers and Sisters left behind.

Georgia Firefighters feel your grief. We love you all.

Prayer and blessings on all of you- those who we lost yesterday and in days to come, and those left behind to greive.


hey my message this morningm said on more killing but i ment NO MORE KILLING!!!!!!!

mitchell your friend from CANADA

dear friends
we are physicians in germany and still ask ourselves,
is it a dream, but we know it is not. We are shocked what
has happened to you. We pray for you and that god may give
you the courage and power to handle this terrible times.
Our thoughts are with you. In such times all people get
brothers, we think, and have to stay together, even the
distance may be far.

I’m a volunteer fire fighter from germany.
I’ve been shoked by this act of terrorism.
I pray for the NY fire fighters and their familys.
I will never forget their great work to help other people.

God bless all NY fire fighters.

Dear FDNY:

To paraphrase Mr. James Mitchner’s “The Bridges at Toko-Ri,” – Where do we get such men (and women)?

While others stood stunned or ran away in terror, the “Bravest” of the New York Fire Department ran into the danger. And the 300+ ran into immortality…

My thoughts and prayers. You truly are the “Bravest!”

Henry Gill
Los Angeles, CA

I am a firefighter in Hickory, NC my department and I would like to express our sympathy in everyones time of need for such an extremly tragic event. We would also commend the bravery of the men and our brothers in NY. We feel an extreme amount of grief and a big loss in our family. In a time of need like this I always think of a quote by one of New Yorks former chiefs Edward Crocker “I have one ambition in life and that is to be a fireman” may god be with us all.


Just a note to try & let you know how much we are
thinking of you & yours in these tragic days…

As a front line city Firefighter for 27 years – in Londons’ busy West End, I’m only too aware of the terrible impact terrorist action can have on the lives of not just the public, but of the Emergency Services also.

While IRA & Arab bombs have killed many in London & UK, these losses seem almost insignificant compared to the obscene WTC fatalities & casualties.

Please pass on our thoughts for the heroic crews from FDNY, we are praying for you all, and were grateful to hear that a crew have just been found alive amidst the wreckage (around 15-30hrs)
– we hope more can be saved in these next few difficult hours…

I know there’s not much we can do from here – but if it helps, please know that we are watching the news live from NYC – & we sincerely hope that you & your Firefighters & Paramedics can somehow get through all this.

God be with you all.

Bill Turner.
London Fire Brigade
Fire Safety Team.

I’m an Volounteer Fire Figther from Osnabrück,Germany. My thoughts are by the members of the NYFD and their family’s.

God bless you all.
Jörg Wißmann

If i could travel to the NYC in the next couple of minutes, i would be there to help you all! To be a Fire fighter is no job! It is honor!!! Yea man ! To my Brothers and sisters Go on Go on Go on!!!

I’m a firefighter at Yverdon-les-Bains in Switzerland.
I’m very very sorry about what has happend yesterday.
I want to sent my condolences to the families and friends of all the firefighter who have lost their lives.
With my great affection


prayers from Humble, Texas.

You will not be forgotten.

God Bless America


A one of the peolpe who was ferried to saftey by the tug boats, Dory Barker I think, I want to thank the crews of these boats. Also I saw the Elsie K and another boat, I think the Brooklyn V, making thier way north of the WTC, I’m sure to ferry people to saftey.

Thanks to all who took part in the rescue.

i am a uk firefighter and would like to send my prayers too the families of the firefighters in new york who lost thier lives in the line of duty

I wish to express my sincerest sympathies to the friends and families of those who were murdered and injured. May God bless and keep you.

I want to say what great courage and strengh you have to endure such a tragety . All of the firefighter and police offices are heros in all of the united states citizen hearts and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

To all of our Brothers and Sisters of the FDNY who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We thank you for all that you do.

I am a firefighter.
I do not do this for fame or fortune.
I answer to a higher calling,
That of my community and fellow man.
I risk my life when someone pulls the handle,
Pushes the button or makes the call.
For this I ask nothing but to be able to say I’ve Done my job.
I do this because this is something I have to do.
It is a feeling that wells up deep inside.
It is inexplicable, unless you have felt it.
I am well trained and educated, sometimes the price of this education is high.
I pray that God protect my fellow firefighters from harm,
And that if a time comes to lay it down that he gives us
The strength and courage to carry on. RP

God Bless You All..


Nous avons été témoins de la plus effroyable tragédie dans l’histoire de l’humanité, mais nous avons également été témoins d’incroyables actes de bravoure et de courage de la part des hommes et des femmes du NYFD.
God bless the men and women of the NYFD.
D. Lauzon, Québec, Canada.

As a fellow brother, I wish I could be there to help in any way possible. The teamwork and passion I see on everybody’s face is a sight to be proud of. I grieve with all of you.

Tod Hipsher
Los Angeles County Fire
Engine 163-A

I am the daughter of a retired Baltimore City
firefighter and the sister of a firefighter in
training in Maryland.

I send my families and my sincere condolences to
the brave firefighters and thier families
in New York City.

God Bless you all.

My Dear Brother and Sister Firefighters,

My Name Is Rich hundahl, I’m a Firefighter for the City of Everett Washington. I’ve been on the job for nearly 28 years. In that time I have probably responded to more than 18,000 calls. I had thought that in my time on the job I had seen and experienced just about everything, but I could never have imagined what you are going through now. The magnitude of the job you have done, and have yet to do, and the depth of your loss, I simply couldn’t begin to comprehend.

I am writing to simply let you know that I, and my family have you in our prayers. We want you to know that you are loved, each of you, and that the world does care.

It’s with our deepest sympathy, and sincere admiration, that we wish you “God Speed” in your efforts in the wake of this tragic event. My God bless each of you, and may He bring you peace of mind, and spirit. As I said earlier, our prayers are with you.

Richard S. Hundahl
Eng. 7, “D” shift, EFD

In the midst of the most incredible terror and unbelievable savagery, New York’s Firefighters answered the call. When everyone else was running away it was New York’s Firefighters and Police that ran towards the scene of infinite danger and urgent human need. Surely we have seen both ends of the scale on this tragic day – the depths of brutality, cowardice and savagery from those who perpetrated this vile act, and the height of selfless courage and sheer humanity from those who responded to it. The latter will prevail in the face of evil. The NYFD and NYPD’s saddest day is also their finest.

As i sit and think about what has just happened my heart mourns..not for just myself but for all those peoples lives that were just taken right out from under their feet.. those heros being the firefighters.. someone who is willing to go through years of training to go out and put their own lives in front of ours.. its so tragic that we lost so many of those wonderful people and also because so many family have been torn apart, i pray for each and everyone one of those families and i send my condolances.. may god be with you all to keep those who survived strong…GOD BLESS YOU ALL —AMEN—

As a retired NYFD member I feel helpless in watching what the brothers are going thru. I wish I could put the turnout coat on and the boots and help find the lost men.

all german firefighters feel with you because of this imense lost of lifes. our condolences are with the families of the bravest.

Our condolences to our fallen brothers in New York and to their families. Our hearts are with you in the upcoming days search for firefighters and civilians.
The Calgary Fire Department is proudly supporting you with black ribbons being worn by all firefighters in honour of those lost and serving the people in your city. All flags are being flown at half mast.

God bless and be safe brothers.


Cpt R. baker
Lt. B. Ball
NM Clair Weltzin
ff Hank Huculak
ff Al Beaudin
ff Al Singleton

I am writing to express my sadness and disbelief at what happend yesterday. Your fellow fire fighters were so very brave and illustrated to the world, that at a time when we could all believe that nothing good existed their bravery and determination to save lives reminded us all that good does exist. My prayers are with you.

3 days ago while cleaning out my 5 yr old son’s grandfathers basement…I found his great grandfather’s WW2 Army trunk…inside were his patchs and telegram to his parent saying he was wounded. the next day a package of american flag blankets, eagle candles, and a angel statue i had ordered came in. Then the next day around 10 am…it all went on my front porch. The flags are hanging…the trunk with all it’s WW2 contents holds the angel statue and the candles were lit…..and are still burning….for those whom are lost and are awaiting rescue…and for those whom are gone and their families whom are in mourning. I pray for each and everyone of you’s….And i can only offer a warm heart, a sensitive ear…and a kind voice to those out there that would like someone to talk to….and to those whom are always putting others first…and being strong for others…sometime’s a faceless voice is what we need. I pray for strength in which ever ways you might need it. God Bless you all…anyone may e-mail me at

My deepest sympathies go out to those who are directly effected in such a tragedy.

I admire and respect the Firefighters of NY those across the country who risk their lives on a daily basis. Thank You!

Although I am way out in AZ, but my tears still fall for all involved.

May God Bless those families who lost someone and give strength to those still involved in the rescue.

Peri (AZ)

Le Service de protection contre l’incendie de la Ville de Québec, située à l’extrême est du Canada, est consterné par les événements qui vous touchent, tous et toutes dans votre service. Tout l’État major, les officiers et tous les pompiers professionnels de notre service transmettent leurs condoléances et leurs prières à tous les membres de votre personnel, des familles et des enfants des pompiers morts en service en ce 11 septembre 2001.

My heart and prayers go out to all the fire fighters and their families. I am looking for a needle in a hay stack. My husband and I were on vacation this July 4th and met a New York firefighter and his family. The vacation was in Myrtle Beach, SC. This person and his family were the first we thought of. If you know a firefighter that was in Myrlte Beach, SC the week of July 4th please, please give them my e-mail address. My e-mail is God has layed this on my heart and I want to contact this person and his family. I have been racking my mind to remember there names. I hope you can help. GOD BLESS you all. DEE

we heard about the attack…and we just wanted to tell anybody who has lost somebody who means alot to them that we are so sorry and we are feeling for we have to concentrate on the future and be strong and fight till the end! we are a great country and we can do this. well from us in canada, we love you and we’ll all be together one day.

love krysten and andrea :)

love u

It`s just tragic that the firefighters who had to put out the fires and clean up the rubble. allot had died. it`s makes me sad right in my heart. Right exactly in my heart. the terrorists and all are idiots. like murdering over like 10 000 people.


it`s just so tragic. that i can`t express myself truly. we shall hunt down the terrorists and get this over with.

you canadian juggalo.

hi sorry about what happend i live in Canada and over here we feel the damage in sorrow of what has happen.

your friend`s in Canada

It`s tragic what happen in new yourk, pittsburg and washington. just pray for the family`s victims are alright. but w have to get over this now.


Dinsdag 11 september zagen wij het verschrikkelijke nieuws vanuit New York en Washington op tv.
Vanuit Culemborg (Holland) willen wij ons medeleven uitspreken.
Wij wensen iederen die hiermee te maken heeft veel sterkte toe in deze moeilijke en onzekere tijd.

Namens Brandweer Culemborg (Holland)

My heart goes out to the brave men and women firefighters who lost their lives yesterday, and thank you to all the others who are currently doing a truely heroic act of saving lives as we speak.

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of loss. As a member of the Fire Department Family, we here in Las Vegas are praying for you and your families. God Bless You All

Shellie Petty

Hi my name is lieutenat Mike Pelchat of the Malletts Bay fire Dept located in Vermont. The Malletts Bay fire Dept and I want to send out our prayers to all the fallen brothers and sisters of FDNY and those who are helping in the rescue efforts. Please if we the Malletts Bay fire Dept can help in any way plaese e-mail me at I can have a crew ready in less then a day


LT.Mike Pelchat
Malletts Bay Fire Dept

Dear colleagues,

I am a firefighter from holland and i saw just as the rest of the world the terrafiing horror that struk your city.
I want to express my deepest condollosses and
support to all of you and hope you will find the
stranght to do your job in these verry dificuilt

F van t veen

To those who have lost, we cannot repay you, and for those who were lost we cannot replace you.

K Kelly, NREMT-P

As I sit in a state of shock over the last few days events, my thoughts are turned to the FDNY. My husband is a 13yr veteran and captain of the Ouachita Parish Fire Dept in Monroe Louisiana. We have sat and grieved with you on the many firemen missing and feared to have died. Our thoughts and prayers are with the firemen and their families. My heart aches for the wives and children of the missing. Just know that firemen and their familes across this country are praying for your safety and well being. God Bless you all! Paula and Dewayne Willis Monroe, Louisiana

Sincere support for the dramatics events the FDNY have to support this time.

An ex french firefighter.

The Plymouth Fire Company joins with our brothers and sisters of the F.D.N.Y. in mourning the loss of its members in the cowardly attack on the World Trade Center.

We wish to express our condolences to the members of the Department and the families of those lost.

We hope that you will join with us in praying for the families and friends of our lost brothers and sisters and for those injured in this attack.

GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD Bless everyone working at this disaster.

Kevin Pezzano
Deputy Fire Marshal
Plymouth Fire Company
Plymouth Township, PA

I’m a volunteer fire fighter in the Netherlands and I watched CNN yesterday. And hereby I sent my sympathy to all the fireman and their family’s.

I hope that you all have the strenght to keep up the good work and all the fireman in the Netherlands are thinking at you and wishes you all the luck you all need.

I am looking for a FDNY firefighter named Jeffrey Sapienza. he is an old friend and i would appreciate knowing that he is ok. My prayers to NY’s bravest. Bless you all and please stay safe.


God Bless all of those brave souls lost in the line of duty.


September 11, 2001

In Memory of Those That Lost Their Life In Service
You will not be forgotten.

A Fireman’s Prayer

When I am called to duty, God – Wherever Flames may rage
Give me the strength to save some life Whatever Be its age.
Help me embrace a little child before it is too late
Or save an older person from the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout
And quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling and to give the best in me
To guard my every neighbor and protect their property.
And if according to your will, I have to lose my life
Please bless with your protecting hand
My children and my wife.

My condoleances, with all your colleagues KIA,wounded an missing in the New York disaster

Bart Ketels
Volountary Fire Department Kortrijk BELGIUM
Advanced Fire Post HEULE

just to let everyone know I’m ok. I was in the world trade center this morning, but got out asap and left the area. I cannot even begin to describe
how bad it was….


Just heard that Guy Zumo and Charlie Witek are OK.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my condoleces to the families and to the fellow Firefighters/Paramedics/Police officers that
have died or been injured today in this act of cowardice.

As a Paramedic I can’t help but feel a loss myself. I do have some friends/Collegues that work for NYEMS and I only hope and pray that they
are well.

I watched the events from 05:45 my time on the west coast in horror as both the trade center towers collapsed on these brave men and women trying to save the trapped occupants of the towers.

If there is ANYTHING I can do to help please call or e-mail me. Even if it seams trivial I would like to help.

God Bless our fallen brothers and sisters.

Jim Lambert
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ambulance Paramedics of British Columbia
(phone number withheld)

My most heartfelt condolences for all New Yorks Bravest as so many so obviously fell this morning, to our horror, live on the screen as we watched from our own No.8 Stn Liverpool, Sydney, Australia.

5970 Cec Eveleigh
NSWFB (19 yrs)

My e-mail address is: or My deepest sympathies to all of the families of the firefighters. Will you list the names of those lost on this site?

Kathleen Ledoux

We have spent half the day in front of the TV hoping for some good news. We have tremendous respect for all Fire-fighters; you put yourselves at risk to save others & their properties.

In Australia we believe we are battle hardened against bush fires, but nothing could prepare the world for yesterday’s tragedy.

My family and I would like to send our deepest sympathy to all the families and friends of today’s heroes; those fallen and those still standing.

Please know that the world cries with you.

We are looking for a fireman named Eddie who’s wife is or was a teacher in the Bronx (her name is Annie). They have triplets. He and his wofe both have red hair. I think their last name is McCallum or McCalland We met them in Mexico years ago. We are very concerned about his safety in light of the recent tragedy in NewYork. If anyone can tell us if Eddie is still a firefighter, if he is Okay or not, I would apprectiate it. His family is in our heart and in our prayers.

Dear friends,

My name is Peter Schaller, I’m 42, my rank is Leftenant Colonel, i’m FCO of the West-Center Group in the county of Var, in south east of France;

I want to tell you that our hearts are turned to you, after seing the terribles pictures of ouf friends hurted on duty, and we imagine the awful number of those who died under the W T C Tower, trying to save somebody…

For all of you, our affection, ouf deep brotherhood, our thoughts, and our sadness for America, land of my Grandfather, Marcellus O’KEEFE.

I can tell that every French Firefighter is hurted with you; be strong, be brave as usual, we are beside you.

With my great affection
Pierre Schaller

I went to the Firefighter’s Quarterly website looking for an address. I want to contribute to the Widows and
Orphans funds. Perhaps it would be useful if you could have the appropriate information posted there? In any case,
I would appreciate whatever information you can provide.

Thank you

David Cabana

A big sympathy message about what the New-York fire-fighters had to endure today.

I hope there will not be a lot of fire-fighters out by the collapse of tre towers.

Fabrice Patour
French Officer Fire-fighter


Feed the Firefighters is a not-for-profit organization located in Raleigh, NC. The mission of this organization is to provide nourishment to firefighters in emergency situations. In the aftermath of yesterday’s tragic events in NYC and Washington, we have been approached by numeous people inquiring about how they might make a donation to the many families of the firefighters who have lost their loved ones in this disaster.

Therefore, I am trying to locate the organization in NYC that would be able to accept donations that would reach the families of these firefighters. Any help you could provide would be gretaly appreciated.

Barry J. Doyle, President
Feed the Firefighters Foundation

Good Morning,
My name is John Blackman I am a serving Fire Officer in London, England.
Along with many others in this country yesterday, I sat and watched with
horror and disbelief as the events unfolded. On duty last night the whole
watch was in shock, knowing full well that, even before it was officially
announced, that some of our colleagues over there had made the ultimate
sacrifice in their attempts to save their fellow man. We all expect to have
to deal with tragedies on a day to day basis but this is beyond all
comprehension. I have opened an account and will be asking my colleagues
here in London for contributions in the hope that our offerings will be of
some small help to the grieving families at this difficult time. I have to
tried to log on to the NYFD website but obviously this is not the right time.
Perhaps Sir, you would be kind enough to pass on this message of support
from my watch and myself. to the NYFD. Also would you be able to furnish me
with the name of someone who I can contact with regard to forwarding moneys
collected. I can be contacted on the following email addresses: or

Thankyou, Sir and our thoughts are with you all.

John Blackman

…Our prayers are with our brothers and their families, during this darkest
in modern American history…

Lynn Durham
Columbus, Ohio

To My Fallen

Brothers & Sisters

A Day We Will Never Forget

I Thank You & Will Never Forget You

Mit Entsetzen haben wir gestern den Anschlag auf das World Trade Center in New
York im TV mitverfolgt.

Mit dieser E-Mail möchten wir unsere große Trauer und unser tiefstes Mitgefühl
gegenüber der Bevölkerung, den Mitgliedern des FDNY und deren Angehörigen zum
Ausdruck bringen.


Die Feuerwehren der Gemeinde Namborn

Löschbezirk Hofeld – Mauschbach

Der Löschbezirksführer

Hallo !

I`m a firefighter in Germany an i have a shock as i see this terrible
action. I hope all your friends and all Firefighters in NY are OK, but i
think that isn´t so. All hearts an thoughts are with you and your friends!

All German Firefighters and all people in Germany are shocked about this
terrible tragedy in your town!

All the good friends have give their life to save each other life!

I’m really sorry about this terrible crime!
I’ve a pansy for all your members and their family
I pray for them
With all my sympathy

A Day To Remember

A time of unrest was seen today
Hatred has taken many lives away
No matter if God, Budha
or the goddess was their faith
So many lives have forever been changed
Many hearts being in an outraged pace
Friends and family torn apart
Just because someone
had so much hate in their heart
Our hearts light candles
to guide those lost souls safe in hand
Even though this senseless act
is something no one
will ever really understand
My Soulful tears go out to everyone in need
Just because hatred made so many bleed
I pray that God will forever bless
everyone touched by this day of unrest

Written by Candace Billington tonight in honor of those who lost their lives. Please forward this to as many hearts as you can ~ Thank you ~ Candace Billington, Edmonton, Ab, Can. 780-984-9488

Prayers go out to the familes of our lost brothers and to our brothers still involved in the search.

Prayers from all of us on the staff of, and go out to all of those who were lost and thier families…

God Bless

In depest respect to all who lost their lifes to help at the WTC and in Washington D.C.!! God bless you all….
Christian Utech THW Berlin Marzahn

May God and our Mother Mary walk with all of you in your rescue efforts as the Angels now walk with your fallen brothers.Our prayers are with you and your families.

Your friends in Savannah,GA.

Special thanks to those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice protecting the lives of fellow Americans. Best wishes to those involved in the rescue effort, with hopes that many more lives will still be saved. Our hearts here in Ohio go out to the families of the victims and our deepest thanks for the unselfish courage those men and women of FDNY showed on Tuesday and continue to show as te rescue effort carries on. Thank you for your courage.

Avons pensée profonde pour tout les personnels du FDNY disparus tragiquement dans le lache attentat des twins towers.God Bless You.

J’attendais mon avion à Memphis (Tn) lorsque l’incroyable arriva. Tout au long de la longue route me ramenant à Montréal, je n’ai cessé de penser à vous.

Ma gorge s’est nouée lorsque j’ai lu “New York, all road closed”.

Que votre sacrifice rende moins fou ce monde..

God bless Firefighters

Health and Safety coordinator

If I had to pick a word for what you guys did and are doing. Selfless. Thanks for helping those in need.

Dear Friends,
all our thougths, our prayers and our hearts are with you. God bless the heros from New York and Washington..

Heiner Schwakenberg
German Firefighter

les larmes ne connaissent pas de frontieres ni de langues juste se petit mot pour vous dire que l’on pense bien a vous et votre famille de pompier…… suis moi meme pompier proffessionnel en france…courage honneur et devoument mais tout cela a quel prix ? …amitié bjc

I am so sorry for writing so much but it is therepy for me.

Country In Mourning
Our country’s in mourning,
isn’t it sad….
What did we do to have them
hate us so bad?

WE NEVER thought
this could happen to us…
To see this GREAT city,
in a cloud of dust.

I see Old Glory,
now flying everywhere.
While the statue of Liberty
Looks on in despair.

She still stand so proud,
but her heart must be broken.
She must be so sad,
though not a word is spoken.

We are a strong nation, and we will
rebuild. Although we will NEVER
get over, those who were killed.

I have seen so much love, all colors
and creed. To think this was all done
because of power and greed.

The love of others will endure,
it’s such a beautiful sight. We have
to make things better and right!

Please remember all who lost
their lives, not knowing why.
Help heal their loved ones,
who’s tears will not dry.

God love them, help them,
make them aware…..
that their are people
like us who care.
toni pratt NY

Condoleances et courages a vous tous.

De la part des sapeurs pompiers de la ville de draguignan FRANCE

I am proud to be related to a member of this resolute tribe. Everyone be safe and stay strong. Take very good care of yourselves as you care for the rest of us.

Le centre de secours de Bourbriac (Cotes d’Armor)armée de 24 sapeurs-pompiers tient à présenter ses sincéres condoléances aux familles,collégues et amis des 300 pompiers disparue lors de la tragédie du World Trade Center. (Sapeur LE FOLL)

I would just like to say I feel really sorry for all of the people who lost there love ones from the sept,11 attack and I wold like to give all my love to all the people and the fire companys out there my love as well I would like to keep in touch with all the fire companys around the world I ‘m also a memeber for the liberty hose company NO 1 of williamstown Pennsylvania so you can E-mail me at or you can write to me at Justin Poston 240 East market st Apt# 5 Williaimstown PA 17098

Again your fellow fire fighter brother Justin Poston and GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL MY LOVE



You are on the front Lines,

While we are home safe.

You are still searching,

While we are moving on.

You are truly THE BRAVEST,

We are forever indebted.

You are our HEROES,


Dear Sir,

My name is Shaun Fox and I am a Firefighter serving at A23 Euston. A Fire Station in the heart of London. I don’t know how to describe the feelings inside me as I watch the live pictures being broadcast to us from New York. Especially when I hear about all the Firefighters that have lost their lives in the line of duty.

I’m not sure who else I can send my wishes to, so I’m hoping you may be able to help.

I simply want to send my condolences to the families and friends of all the Firefighters who have lost their lives, and to wish all the Firefighters that are there the best of luck in the task that they are now having to carry out.God bless all of you involved.
My thoughts are with you all.

Firefighter Shaun Fox
A23 Euston
London Fire Brigade.

our prayers are for you, you are in the heart of all europeans, of all french firemen, our love is for your courage, your bravour, your sadness, your blood, your work very hard, but we are here for help you…..LOVE, friends to friends…firemen to firemen…….karine, french fireman

There are no words to discribe what the entire world sees on TV. You are actually in there. The best of luck to you all!

To all OUR families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy in New York, I offer this simple poem…… I sincerely hope it helps relieve some pain. Our prayers are with you all…Joe Jamen Chicago Fire Department, wife DonnaLee and daughter Erin.


I said, God I hurt.
And God said, I know.

I said, God I cry a lot.
And God said, that’s why I gave you tears.

I said, God I’m so depressed.
And God said, that’s why I gave you sunshine.

I said, God life is so hard.
And God said, that’s why I gave you loved ones.

I said, God our loved one died.
And God said, so did mine.

I said, God it’s such a loss.
And God said, mine was nailed to the cross.

I said, but God your loved one lives.
And God said, so does yours.

I said, God, where are they now?
And God said, mine is on my right hand and yours is in the light.

I said, God it hurts.
And God said, I know.

Capitaine NOBILE Pierre CDSP 77

Dans la douleur qui touche une fois de plus la grande famille des sapeurs pompiers, veuiller trouver par ces quelques mots mes plus sincéres condéléances et sacher que les sapeurs pompiers de france sont de tout coeur à vos cotés ainsi qu’a vos familles



Thinking at you from the compagny of Chamonix in France,
you know ?, next to the mount Blanc Tunnel….
Much to you, your famillies and the famillies of missing at fire…
Officer and firemen’s

Nos pensées vont vers les familles de nos collegues disparus dans cette catastrophe et nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de courage pour l’avenir.


Thanks to all the brave and heroic members of the FDNY and NYPD for showing the country that we are still very much the home of the free and the brave.
There are no words that can express the deep loss that the people in New York are feeling but the examples set by you serve as an example to us all.
All of you are are in our daily thoughts and prayers !
God Bless all of you !

Il n’y a pas de mots assez forts !
Notre boulots est de sauver des vies mais pas de nous faire tues par la betise humaine.
Je suis a vos coté dans ces heures penibles et je vous transmets toutes mes condoléances.
Courrage !
Vous etes tous des HEROS.
Avec toute mon amitie.

DETEZ Fabrice
Sapeur-Pompier Ambulancier
SRI Charleroi

Our prayers and thoughts go out to each and everyone of you whose lives have been touched by this tragedy. We wish for God to put His strongest and most protective guardian angels around those who are helping and for those who have lost their lives to have God bless each one of your souls, you will not be forgotten. God bless all of you.

Brian, Susan, Brian(age6), John(age 4) and Sean (age 9 months) Snediker, Chicago, Illinois

I am a firefighter in Glenwood, Ia. and my sympathy goes out for all the family’s of the brave firefighters who lost their lives trying to save others. I can understand they were doing what we all would do in that situation and i hope more will be found alive. our prayers and thoughts are with you all.

John Morrison
Glenwood fire department

Our heart and thoughts are with all the members of the FDNY! You’re really the bravest ! Be courageous.

9-11-2001 the day we never forget!
We also don’t forget those who lost their lives that day.

I am nurse and instructor in urgency medical help in the fire service in brussels (Belgium). I am completely with you in this tragic situation.

(Sorry for my english)

Le centre de secours des sapeurs Pompiers de BAS EN BASSET ( Haute Loire – FRANCE )se joint au chagrin des familles des victimes des pompiers New-yorkais décedé en service commandé et leur renouvelle toutes leur condoléance.

As a member of the Houston Fire Dept., I would like to offer our heart felt sympathy. There is a very close friend of mine from 7 engine. I finally got to speak with him yesterday. After hearing his stories, it makes it that much harder to understand. Since this has occurred, I’ve been wearing an FDNY 7 engine ball cap in support of you. As firefighters, we are a FAMILY, and one falls, we all hurt. GOD BLESS

My condolences to all of you for the loss of so many of your Brothers. Special thoughts & condolences to the survivors of Ladder 7. Your Brother, George Cain, was a friend of mine. I’m going to miss him on the mountain this winter. His picture sits next to my computer & is a daily reminder of what a great person he was. He will be sorely missed by many in my little town.

David Bunting
Telluride Volunteer Fire Dept.
Telluride, Colorado

To all the New York Firefighters: You are national heros –you are in our hearts and prayers. Words can not express how grateful and proud we are of you. At a time like this, you give us hope and make us believe that there are incredibly good, decent, unselfish and courageous people in the world. Thank you and G-d bless you. WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!!!

Este mensaje es mi pequeño agradecimiento a todos los bomberos y cuerpos de seguridad del mundo, en especial a los valientes del 11 de sep. que han demostrado un arrojo del que muy pocos pueden hacer gala arriesgando (y muchos perdiendo) la propia vida.

Cualquier estupido puede matar, pero solo autenticos heroes pueden arriesgarlo todo por ayudar a un desconocido, esos heroes sois vosotros, todos y cada uno de vosotros, desde el joven conductor hasta el que esta en el cuartel con ordenadores y una radio.

Que dios os cuide y os guie entre el fuego de la sin razon y el humo del odio, que no deja ver el valor que escondeis debajo de cuatro letras que ya son autentico simbolo de la humanidad FDNY.


My husband is one of the Bravests and I thank God everyday now that he is ok after this horrible disaster. My heart goes out for the families and friends of those Firefighters that are still missing. They are with no doubt “The Bravest”, our Heros. Lets keep praying that God may give all Firefighters, Police Officers and all Auxiliary people, the strenght and the hope to keep on looking for survivors. My love and respect are for all of them. For Eng 226 in Brooklyn, keep the faith, Im praying for all of you. To my husband, You are my Hero and I am proud of you for what you are doing. Eventhought I havent seen you since Monday, hearing your voice is a confort. Come home soon. I love You.

First I give my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your efforts, and my prayers for those who lost their lives.
I do have a question. After the 9/11 disaster, it was announced that Mychal Judge had died giving last rites to a fellow firefighter. Several times I saw another firefighter repeat a prayer of Mychal’s on the air as he was interviewed. There was something about “God, please keep me out of your way” in this prayer. I have gone to many websites and articles, and have not seen this posted. Would someone be able to send it to me? It touched me deeply and I would like to share it.

Thank you so much.

As a long island volunteer i know what the men and women of the FDNY and NYPD are going through especialy knowing that some of my local brothers are in te city. I just want to thank all that are in there and express my sorrow to all those who lost family in this tragedy.

God Bless all of you for the bravery you have shown. My thought and prays are with you all.

My heartfelt sympathies to all families and friends who lost loved ones on September 11th. And admiration for all the firefighters who’s strength is so humbling. We have firefighters in our family and the tragedy touched a very real chord.

We in England applaud you : you are the real heroes of the 21st Century – none could come close to your strength. We salute you.

Ruth Faulkner
Warwickshire, England

To all of our Brothers and Sisters of the FDNY who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We thank you for all that you do.

I am a firefighter.
I do not do this for fame or fortune.
I answer to a higher calling,
That of my community and fellow man.
I risk my life when someone pulls the handle,
Pushes the button or makes the call.
For this I ask nothing but to be able to say I’ve Done my job.
I do this because this is something I have to do.
It is a feeling that wells up deep inside.
It is inexplicable, unless you have felt it.
I am well trained and educated, sometimes the price of this education is high.
I pray that God protect my fellow firefighters from harm,
And that if a time comes to lay it down that he gives us
The strength and courage to carry on. RP

God Bless You All…



I own a teddy bear store called Honey Bear Gifts and the Hermann Company has put out a Patriotic Firefighter bear that is gorgeous. Please check it out if you are interested I would think this would make a wonderful rememberance of a loved one.

The firefighter holds an American Flag and on the right paw there is a flag embroidered. It is a German Mohair Bear, limited to 1000.

Thank you I only have a few but there are other companies that carry them too, it is just a wonderful piece.

As a serving firefighter in Glasgow I can only send my heartfelt sorrow and my prayers for my missing brothers and their families.

Sub Officer Bell

We’re shocked by the cruel deaths of those who only wanted to help. We don’t know their names or the people, but their sacrifice won’t be forgotten.
Our thoughts are with all these men and the families they left behind. God bless us all …

Valentin T. Gangur
German Federal Agency for technical Relief (THW)
OV Friedberg/Hessen, Germany

Sorry i’m no speak english.

Vi sono vicino per la tragedia que vi ha affettato a tutti e molto vicino a voi per la perdita dei vostri compagni.

Sono un italiano residente en Spain e sono rimasto molto colpito dal vostro coraggio.
Siete stupendi e questo mio e-mail so che non potrá alliviare il vostro dolore, peró voglio solo che sappiate que siete degli eroi e che nel vostro dolore vi accompagno, uno a uno………
Siete stupendi, sono con voi.
Scuastemi, non ho piú parole.
Forza ragazzi.

Un abbraccio

My name is Darrin and I am a volunteer fireman from Sparta Mo.I want to send my deepest sympathies to all the firefighters and emergency personnel who lost their lives. Everyone of you have my utmost respect in what you do every day.May god bless you all.

Sincerely,Darrin Jones
Sparta Firefighter 657

From Red Watch, Royston Fire Station, Barnsley, England.

Our hopes, thoughts, prayers & deepest sympathy go to the wives, partners & children of the missing NYFD firefighters….
‘the bravest of the brave….just doin’ their job….saving lives….

It is inconceivable to believe that so many of our brothers-in-arms could be taken away from their famillies through this terrible act of terrorism.

Although hopes & spirits have been lifted tonight with the release of 5 firefighters from the wreckage & debris….let us pray that the rescuers can find more of our trapped brothers.

For the remainder who have perished….wish unto them eternal rest, & help their children, wives and partners cope with the anguish of losing their loved ones…..

Nigel S Bailey

UK firefighter

contact :-

God bless all our brother and sister firemen who
unselfishly sacrificed thier lives to save others

Ct. Fireman

As a former vol. fireman of peekskill fire patrol i am very sad to hear that one of the men who stood by me during my training was one of the bravest in the towers as the fell.SAM OUTICE of ladder 4 will always be in my mind for all the help he has given me and others during the years of his life. I lost contact with him when i moved to another state, but his memory will be with me for always. my heart and prayers go to the wife and two kids who i cant imangen how much pain they are in. He will live on always in this mans family memorys. That the least i can do.

Douglas “tiny” Hitchcock @hitch921@aol

We want to offer our sympathies to you and your families.
We are distraught about the senseless dead of our colleagues who gave their lives while doing their job – trying to rescue
innocent people.

We are very sad!

Volunteer Firedept. Schoenau/Heidelberg – Germany

Chers Collègues Sapeurs Pompiers,

Je suis sapeur pompier en France à Montélimar une petite ville du sud-est,je suis un technicien du sauvetage en décombre, je tient avec mon épouse et mes trois enfants à vous témoigner notre tristesse, notre colère et notre soutien dans la terrible épreuve que vous traversé actuellement. J’aurais tant voulu mettre à disposition mes connaissances et ma personne à votre disposition pour participer aux sauvetage de vos compatriotes et amis. je me sent tellement impuissant devant les images atroces que nous voyons. j’espère que ces quelque mots vous ferons part de notre désarroi qui je le pense est partagé par tout les français.Nous sommes de tous coeur avec vous dans l’espoir de retrouvé des victimes vivantes (cela c’est vue au bout de 11 jours).

Malheureusement tout le monde ne reviendra pas, des familles seront meurtries, et dans vos caserne des vestiaires resterons vides,du personnel manquera à l’appel de leurs noms, recevez pour eux toutes nos condoléances à vous et à leurs familles.

En ne souhaitant ne jamais revivre la folie humaine.

Tenez Bon ,Courage a vous tous nous ne pouvons que vous soutenir moralement.

au revoir.

Adjudant Chef CONTASSOT VIVIER Laurent
Centre de secours de Montélimar

There was a type of Lakota [Sioux] warrior who did everything backwards – he would wear lots of clothes in the summer, very little in winter. He would bathe with dirt, walk backwards and say “No” when he meant “Yes”. These warriors became “contraries” after having a vision of the Thunder Beings.

They were very holy men, but warriors nonetheless.

The New York firefighters who responded to the World Trade Center attack were described, over and over, as “men and women who run in where others are running out.”

Peace for the spirits of these most holy warriors, true to their vision, who protect us all.


Your profession has a hard duty, that to save lives at the price of
your. In our current company where the human life has a direction, this act
stupid from terrorism comes to put a term at the direction which one can give
with the life. I am sorry for the loss of your brothers, your friends and of your
colleagues. I will like to be at your sides to share your sorrow and your
sufferings. I am French but today I feel American and I
do not manage to include/understand the reason of as many innocent deaths and
useless. Vis-a-vis such a destruction, you however testify to a courage
specimen as shows it the television reports.
Cheer, your individual actions testify to the honor to your
profession so difficult to assume all days.

A humble voluntary fireman of the Alpes-Maritimes (FRANCE).

I would like to express my heart-felt thanks for three firefighters in particular for their act of bravery on September 11, 2001. I know their names because each member of my family has a memory bracelet we have been wearing with the name of a NYFD firefighter on it. I wear a bracelet to remember Robert Linnane, Ladder 20. My wife wears a bracelet in memory of Lieutenant Michael Healy, Squad 41; and my daughter Joy, age five, wears a dog tag in remembrance of Keithroy Maynard, Engine 33. All three of us have just seen department photos of each on the site. Putting a picture with a name brings home the events of September 11 afresh and new. I cannot imagine what it must be like for those of you that these men considered family and friends. Please accept our condolences and know that we are praying for all of you. God bless you and keep you safe.

Kind Regards,
Derek Spalla

l’m a Retained Firefighter with Essex County Fire & Rescue Service in Braintree UK.

Our hearts at Braintree Fire Station go out to all the families that have lost someone from this unjust act of terror that’s been placed on your nation. New York will raise above this and be stronger.

FF G.Clements

I wish I could thank everyone of you in person. What modern day HEROES you have silently been to us all. Let me break that silience with a big and loud THANK YOU!

I am very sad for all of our lost, God be with you my brothers.

The hamden vollies of engine company 7 express are deepest sympathys and sorrows to the men & woman of the finest and bravest, and too all the families……you will be in are thoughts and prayers……….God bless …….America the bravest….

My Friend’s Dad

My friend’s dad went to work today
Just like the day before
His family was still sleeping
When he left and shut the door

He drove down to the station
He’s a fireman you see
My friend’s dad has a special job
He protects you and me

That morning was no different
Than many of the others
My friend’s dad got a phone call
They needed help to save their brothers

So they drove to New York City
And searched through the rock and rubble
My friend’s dad is a smart man
He knew our country was in trouble

My friend’s dad is a strong man
We know how hard he tried
The whole world was watching
The day our country cried

Sometimes I’m afraid to talk to him
I never take the time
But, I would like to tell my friend’s dad
I’m proud he’s a friend of mine

I won’t tell you who my friend is
You don’t need to know his name
But, If you ever meet my friend’s dad
You can thank him just the same

Dio onnipotente regali a tutti i newyorkesi e alle famiglie degli eroi del 09/11/2001 , un anno di pace , speranza e serenità .
dall’italia , W l’america , United we stand.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to you all, to our lost friends who paid with their lives to save other people, and to their families.

Even in unspeakable conditions you all did not hesitate to do what you have chosen to do: help and save your fellow citizens.

If there is any justice, gratefulness and admiration in this world, you are the ones who deserve it.

Sometime, someway you will be rewarded.

In the meantime, the volunteer fire fighter of Arendonk (Belgium) want to say THANK YOU.

God bless you all.

Vol. Chief Roger Leenaers
Arendonk Fire Brigade (Belgium)

I cannot begin to thank -you for your courage. I am in awe. There are not many people out there that could do what you do. You are extraordinary beings. Thank-you for being our guardian angels.

To everyone at FDNY; on behalf of everyone at our station I send our deepest sympathy at this terrible time. Our thoughts are with you as we go about our work here and we wish you all the best.
Station 31 Totnes, Devon Fire & Rescue. U.K.

To the Firemen of New York

We are dismayed and shocked by the events of yesterday.  Every time we see the
pictures at the television we are asking ourselves – why ???

We would like to express our sincere condolence and sympathy.
We pray for the victims and their families, we pray for the firemen, which lost
their lives while trying to save other humans.  We pray for them and their

Our American Friends should know, that Germany stands by your side !

Marc W Bushman –  Group-Leader
Volunteer fire-brigade Aach – Rhineland Platina –


PS: My English is little poor – hope you understand what we wanted to say…

I cannot begin to describe the heartfelt sympathy I am feeling at this time for all who lost their lives.  These men were so very courageous and I am so very proud of them. I pray for all who have lost family and friends in these firefighters.  It is so sad to know how we have taken our freedom for granted but it is wonderful to see our country united and standing tall.  I am very proud to be an American!

All Police Officers of the Police Departement Dorsten (Germany) want to express their condolences and their pains to families and friends of the Firefighters and Collegues of the NYPD who have fallen in action during  the terrible attack of the World Trade Center.

It is difficult to find words to express what we feel all here.

God bless you all, we are still here.

I’m german, and I hope that nobody will forget this heroes, which died as they wanted to help other people. And I also hope, that the United States will help all the families, which lost her fathers, husbands, brothers and friends. I don’t know, what I can tell you more, but my heart feels with all american people in the world. I know, that America helped Germany before 50 years and I hope that we can give you something back. God bless you all!

Our hearts go out to all New York firefighters at this terrible time.  No words can really express our sorrow we feel for the firefighters who lost their lives, their families and the firefighters working so hard to find survivors. Mick is a firefighter in Telford, England and is so filled with heartache for you all and the needless loss of life.

Too all Firemen of New York,

I Admire all of you, you’re truly the Bravest.

Sincerely Marcel K.

The Netherlands

I’m a German Fire Fighter and I want to say “go on” to all the fire fighters, paramedics and police men, who show such a bravery in this days of horror, although they risc their lifes in a way which is extraordinary even in their job. I hope that all these tryings are succesful and much survivers will be recsued, especially these who have already risced their lives and are improsoned in the big grave of NY, 3 days bevore kmown as the World Trade Center or in the rests of the Pentagon. The whole world is with you in their minds!!!”

You are the true unspoken heroes of every day life and in this tragedy, you have shown your true grit and compassion! Keep your heads held high and your hearts filled with hope and faith! I and all of America are proud of each and every one of you! You are in my prayers and thoughts and may GOD be with you every step you take! God Bless America!!!

You guys are our friends, brothers, and fellow Americans.  We fish together, work together, pray together and live together.  You step-up to the plate everyday no matter what the challenge.  September 11, 2001 was no exception.  You were there.  Thank you.

I am a firefighter in Hickory, NC my department and I would like to express our sympathy in everyones time of need for such an extremly tragic event.  We would also commend the bravery of the men and our brothers in NY.  We feel an extreme amount  of grief and a big loss in our family.  In a time of need like this I always think of a quote by one of New Yorks former chiefs Edward Crocker “I have one ambition in life and that is to be a fireman” may God be with us all.

Bonjour, je suis pompier francais et je voulais vous dire que je pense très fort à vous dans ces moments douloureux.
Amitiés et courage.

My uncle is a fireman in Ohio. I am thankful that he comes home from each fire or rescue he goes out on. I pray for each of those firemen, who are now angels up above, and for their families. My heart breaks for you. I see all of the peoples messages and it makes me so proud to be an American. I am glad that people can unite together for a good cause and to support the Fallen Firefighters and their familes.
God Bless EVERYONE, especially the “Fallen Ones.”

Delphos, OH

To Americas Hero’s,
I am writing from Mt. Pleasant MI.
In light of todays events, I am compelled to write, and say…
You are angels on Earth to so many. You walk through, the proverbial, bowels of Hell and sort through the carnage, to bring humanity, hope.
I Thank You and your families!
Blessed Be!

My heart and prayers go out to all the families, friends and loved ones that have lost someone in the awful tragedy that has happened in the past week. God will be with each and everyone involved in this. God Bless you all!..

Brandi Garner from Weatherford, Texas

I offer you my heart & soul.
I offer you an extra shoulder to help carry you when you’re down.
I offer you an ear to listen to whatever you need to talk about or unload.
I offer you my unconditional friendship.
I am a FireFighter’s Friend.
I need to say thank you.
I need to give something back.
I need to help you in anyway I can.
Please feel free to contact me:

We grieve for you at this time of sorrow for your lost comrades, the heart of every British firefighter is with you at this time. God bless you all.

Tony Northcott, Firefighter.

Dover, United Kingdom.

From a fire station in Bourg en Bresse (near Lyon),France.
Hi bravest, hope these words can be changed into energy to help you get on with this terrible ordeal…All our thoughts are aimed at the victims and their families.
We are next to you, and with you.
God bless you.

32 rue du Peloux
01000 Bourg en Bresse.
e-mail: Coco8fevrier@aol.Com

from Rome Fire Department, we are with you.

God Bless all the brave souls.

My husband, a wildland firefighter, and I send our deepest sympathies to all the families, friends, and co-workers of all those lost is this sensless attack.

We know when a wildland firefighter is lost, a purple ribbon is worn in memory, and since we do not know what structure firefighters use, we have placed a purple ribbons in front of our home on our trees to honor to all the fallen men and women.

God Bless and our thoughts, prayer, and warmest wishes to all those more substantially impacted by this tragic act.  

je suis boulverse par ce qui se passe a NY
je suis de tout coeur avec les gens de la-bas
et je sais que vous faites votre possible pour
sauver des vies. BON COURAGE!!!!!!!!


on behalf of all the people of sheffield england i wish to tell all the people directly and indirectly involved in the devastation in new york and washington,thatwe are all thinking of you all in your most tragic hour.watching the scenes on tv could not possibly tell us the true horror of what you are all going through but i am not ashamed to admit that i cried at the horror that i saw,i’m a 38 year old married man with 3 kids,and to think of all those heartbroken families breaks my heart too.but if anything good is to come out of this tragedy it is the fact that it has brought britain and america even closer together.thinking of all of you every minute of the day.together we are unbeatable!!

To all firefighters, emt’s, policemen and all the voluntary people. To all victims, who left their lifes in this unbelievable terror. We will never forget you. 

The world isn’t the same since tuesday. It will never be the same again. We pray for all of you. May god help us all, to stand this crisis in peace.

God bless you.

Christian Koenig (EMT-P)
and the Crew of
St. John Ambulance

Hallo I’m a member of the Technical Emergency Service (THW) in Germany.

I’m shocked. I think of all the persons that perished wile they were helping the people in the World Trade Center.

When such a disaster happened here in Germany I’m sure that I were also one of the helpers which never come home again.

I’m always one of the fastest helpers when there is an action to help people in bigger dangerous situations.

I want to say all my condolence to the People who love the persons which died while they were helping.

The minute I heard of these devesating events 1:45 (our time)on that unforgetable Tuesday the 11th I was in total and utter shock.Even thought I live thousands of miles away we all admire the great work and determination you have shown over the past number of father is sub officer in our local fire brigade and also admires the fantastic work your department has done.We are also mourning your dead and missing colleuges who have unfortunatly been caught up in this terrible act of terrorism. May god keep them safe and also keep you safe while doing your work. God bless you men and women and keep up the good work and hopefully save more lives.Paul Caldwell, Trim, Co.Meath, Ireland 


We’re shocked by the cruel deaths of those who only wanted to help. We don’t know their names or the people, but their sacrifice won’t be forgotten.

Our thoughts are with all these men and the families they left behind. God bless us all …

Valentin T. Gangur
German Federal Agency for technical Relief (THW)
OV Friedberg/Hessen, Germany

i am an irish firefighter who is visiting new york on november 7 thru 12 2001
i would like to get the location of the nearest fire station to west 46 street as i want to deliver some gifts from the cork city fire dept
so if someone could email me at

i have 14 years service as a firefighter and my heart breaks for all the lost and there familys and colleagues
thank you.

I am a volunteer firefighter in Alabama. My heart goes out to my brothers & sisters that lost their lives on Tuesday. I feel that they are fellow brothers & sisters. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain & heartache their families are feeling right now. I just want everyone to know that my thoughts & my prayers are with those families. Also, I want to applaud the efforts of those who are still giving their all to find survivors. I have always had the greatest respect for the FDNY & this makes me respect them even more. With love, Donna 

Like many other Americans i have watched the horrible events of the past few days and my heart is broken for all the families who lost loved ones in the buildings and the planes. At the same time i have felt an overwhelming sense of pride as i watched you guys doing the unthinkable. You make me so proud to be an American.  May God grant you the grace and strength to do your jobs, and  hold you all safely in His loving hands. Joe 

September 28, 2001

To the firefighters, police, and emergency technicians of NYC:

A letter to try and thank you for what you have done and continue to do

You have taught a nation what the words “hero,” “brother,” “integrity,” “courage,” “character,” and “patriot” mean.  We have watched you from the very beginning of this nightmare as you ran into those towers hoping to save lives.  We’ve listened as survivors told of seeing you enter a place that all others were praying to exit from.  We have heard tales of your unwavering bravery and kindness.

Seeing your strength, courage, and caring has given a distraught nation the will to go on.  You were the ones who supplied us with hope at a time when the world appeared to have lost all sense and reason.  You were the ones who eased our fears because we knew you were there.  You continue to drive us to do our best as we watch you confront the devastation around you each and every day.   You have infused your country with a sense of profound pride that can never ever be again forgotten.  We are proud of our nation because we are proud of all of you.

I think I speak for the country when I say that we are most grateful for your dedication and selflessness.  And WE WILL NEVER FORGET what you have done for this country. Thank you so very, very much for teaching us what all those words really mean.  You are for now and forever the heroes of this nation.

May God shine his love upon you so that you may one day forget the tragic things you have witnessed.

With the greatest admiration,

Terri B

Dear Firefighters,
ich möchte Euch mein tiefstes Mitgefühl ausdrücken und wünsche Euch bei Eurer schweren Aufgabe sehr viel Kraft!!! Ich hatte vor zwei Jahren das Glück bei Euch zwei Wochen, Einsätze mitzufahren, Euch kennenzulernen und habe dabei sehr viele neue Eindrücke und Erfahrungen gewonnen! Ich kann nicht glauben das soviele meiner Kameraden, bei diesem schrecklichen Anschlag ums Leben kamen und bin bei jedem Bild das ich sehe und bei jedem Bericht zutiefst traurig! ICH BIN STOLZ AUF EUCH!!!

May God Bless our Firefighters. You are all in our prayers.
We share your anguish and pain.

Edmund Murphy Ret FDNY
John Seiler Ret FDNY
Chris Murphy Past Commander







Best heartfelt wishes and support through this appalling tragedy my heart goes out to you all. M ichael J. Bennett, Edwinstowe, Notts, England. 

I would like to express my appreciation to all of the NYC firefighters.  Your bravery is unparalleled.  A friend of mine, David DeRubbio, of Engine 226, is among the many missing firefighters.  I pledge my undying hope that some miracle will take place and that all of the missing firemen can be rescued.  My prayers are with all of you….those missing and those awaiting their safe return.

Love, Beth Reilly

Je tiens à vous exprimer toute ma peine concernant la terrible tragédie qui s’est abattue sur NY, ses habitants, ceux qui peut-être ne font qu’y travailler.
Mais en ce jour, mes pensées vont plus particulièrement aux policiers et aux sapeurs-pompiers qui au péril de leur vie sont accouru pour essayer de sauver celle des autres et dont malheureusement plus de deux cent sont morts ou porté disparu.
Il ne faut surtout pas croire que les pompiers n’avaient pas connaissance du danger; à chaque instant tous savaient qu’ils pouvaient y laisser leur vie. Il n’est pas sans rappeler que la devise des sapeurs- pompiers est <>.
Ainsi, par ces mots je tiens à leur rendre tout l’hommage qui leur est dû.

Croyez en mon soutient, soyez fort.
God bless everyone working at this disaster and every american firefighter.

Stéphan Weidemann
Sapeur pompier volontaire en alsace / France
E-mail : 

our prayers are for you, you are in the heart of all europeans, of all french firemen, our love is for your courage, your bravour, your sadness, your blood, your work very hard, but we are here for help you…..LOVE, friends to friends…firemen to firemen…….karine, french fireman

As an ex.volunteer firefighter from a small village in Belgium I live in with all of yours en the ones you have lost in the WTC disaster .God bless you all.Wim Bogaert Ex.fireman Nevele-Belgium

In memorial for the best firerfighter I know. Eddy Day.
I will love him forever, because he was one of my best friends. Hope to see him again in the sky. Gitta I think of you.
In Love Petra

Im a member of THW(this is the Governmental disaster relief organization of the Federal Republic of Germany). Me and all members of our THW department of Leipzig/Sachsen say to the fire-brigade and the American people our condolence for the victims of this cowardly impact.
Don’t give up to find survivor.

all german firefighters feel with you because of this imense lost of lifes. our condolences are with the families of the bravest.

salut! je tiens a felicité tout ces hommes de courage qui risquent leur vie pour sauver d’autres vies!! Ayant un membre de ma famille pompier(en France) je pense a eux !!BRAVO!!

When I saw this,yesterday,I thought:”This can’t be true !!!! But it was …………………

Why,why,why………that was and is the only word I could/can say.

God bles them all!

Brothers and Sisters of the New York Fire Department:I will condole YOU ALL with this tragic casuality!

Herbert Kuipers
Fire Department Oldenzaal
The Netherlands

The firemen of Epernon city brigade, in france
would like to extend our condolences to you,
to the families, to the friends of all victims of
the terrorist attack.

May God be with you all.

Thanks so much for your bravour.

Do you know of an orginization for the family’s of the police or firemen lost today (maybe the fdny general fund and not just for today)?  I run a popular website and am looking for something online that I can link to, our readers want to do something, but everyone feels helpless.  The loss of rescue crews lives is sickening.


All I can do is Pray and send a little support money. Oh how I want to come and help in this time of need.  

Richard Ator
Lipan VFD
North Texas area

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